Welcome to "Cccandy"!


An odd choice of controls, I know, but I have some backups. Try holding the keyboard left and right and only using your thumbs: one at WASD and one at the numeric side!

D-PAD (Movement)

  • 'S' or '', 'W' or '', 'A' or '', 'D' or '' to WALK down, up, left, right


  • 'Numeric -' or 'P' or 'Backspace' for Button [A] (Attack)
  • 'Numeric +' or 'L' or 'Return/Enter' for Button [B]
  • 'Numeric /' or 'N' or 'normal -' for [SELECT] Button (Bring up and close the emulated settings screen.)
  • 'Numeric *' or 'M' or 'normal =' for [START] Button (When required to continue and to bring up the pause menu.)


  • Approach grown ups to get candy.
  • Attack children you get their candy.
  • Attack enemies to kill them.


Each character has its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Attack: No role in combat yet. Only used when attacking grownups, the more the damage the faster they are going to leave. (They come back after a while). And attacking children, which affects the amount of candy you can steal.
  • Defend: : No role in combat yet. You do not take damage or die yet anyway.
  • Move speed: How quickly you walk and attack.
  • Carry capacity: The maximum amount of candy you can carry depends on this.
  • Scare potential: The scariest, the more candy you get from grow-ups.
  • Stealth skill: Not used yet. It is supposed to slow you detection from enemies.


  • Upgrades: The tent/shop is temporarily closed.
    • Feature idea: You can use candy to buy upgrades to improve your stats.
  • Score.
  • Actual combat. You can attack and kill enemies, but the combat stats (Attack, Defend, Stealth skill), are not currently taken into effect. You do not take damage. Enemies are stupid. Etc.

Published 6 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
GenreRole Playing
Tags2D, Game Boy, Pixel Art, Retro


GBJam12-Cccandy-Windows.zip 44 MB

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