0.1.0 jam release


v0.1.0 - 2023-05-19 -- 2023-05-29
 1st day:
Gravity mechanics (unfortunately not used in v0.1.0) and thoughts, story and graphics & animations, state machine (animator hell)

 2nd day:
Graphics & animations, state machine (animator hell)

 3rd day:
Graphics & animations, state machine (animator hell)

 4th day:
Graphics & animations, state machine (animator hell)

 5th day:
Graphics & animations, state machine (use direct animator.play())

 6th day:

 7th day:
Graphics & animations, state machine, tile graphics, level design, collider issues and special character movement

 8th day:
Graphics & animations, state machine, collider issues and special character movement, level design, items, lighting

 9th day:
Items glow, graphic details and effects, GUI

10th day:
GUI, audio, graphics & animations, mechanics

Get The Legend of the Phantom Blade

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