0.1.4 major release

v0.1.4 - 2023-06-10 -- 2023-06-18
  • Gameplay:
  • - Added regeneration, healing and restoration effects, displaying numbers for damage and healing and restoration (also as gameplay option)
    - Added message display for some first goal guidance [comment(s) by @AntiCebo, @IB Magar, @Tom02039, @RLP]
    - Adjusted the items needed for reaching the goal, added preliminary hints for getting them and improved the system behaviour [comment(s) by @AntiCebo @yblade_dev @TinYtus @DeruDev @HenRMJ @Jzagorac @iani_ancilla]
    - Added inventory system [comment(s) by @AntiCebo, @TinySquidStudios]
    - Fixed colliding with items messing with player state
  • Content:
  • - Added more sound effects
    - Re-designed the foreground brick tiles
  • UI:
  • - Revamped settings and added game settings
    - Revamped game pause menu
    - Added gameplay option for auto jump on edge toggle [comment(s) by @pranshusarthak]
    - Added gameplay option for auto potions use on need toggle
    - Adjusted the colours
    - Fixed button text not changing colour on state
    - Fixed consecutive fading fails between menus
  • Implementation details:
  • - Slightly shrunk the labyrinth tilemap to adapt exactly to size (32*24)*3 squares
    - Unified the blockers
    - Refactoring of most of the classes



Planned TODOs in coming version(s) (not necessarily in order):

    - Fix colliders in general
    - Add content and variation (traps, enemies, etc.)
    - Increase speed and re-design the animations to match with more frames
    - Add some hints in the background
    - Calculate falling damage relative to height
    - Add ladders and hangers to explain "weird" movement
    - Add hint the first time some "weird" thing is needed
    - Extend the gameplay to the intended: Use of spectral dimension and breaking laws of physics

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